Friday, April 9, 2010

The Invisible Web or Deep Web, Part 5 -- Answer for Chasing Down a Low-Flying Aircraft

CHALLENGE -- What information can you find on the Internet about the Canadian small aircraft with the markings C- something something KH?

  1. As a search expert, you an ordinary Google-type search (i.e. searching the Visible Web) is probably not going to find this kind of information. You need to find a specialized database.
  2. How will you find the required database? Your first thought is to try Google, not to find the information, but to find the database that might have the information. At Google you search for database canadian aircraft.
  3. Aha! You see something that looks promising, Canadian Civil Aircraft Register.
  4. Going there, you click on Available Marks, then do a search for KH in the field Ending With.
  5. Aha, SUCCESS! You have just used the Invisible Web to find your information.
  6. Who is the owner? Where can you find them?

So what is the Invisible Web (sometimes known as Hidden Web, Deep Web or Deepnet)? Get a clearer idea by looking at the Wikipedia article.