Monday, April 5, 2010

The Invisible Web or Deep Web, Part 4 -- Chasing Down a Low-Flying Aircraft

A small airplane frightened everyone in your family by flying very low over your building in downtown Toronto (not exactly like the picture above - which, by the way, is a real photo. See
You were looking out the window at the time and noticed some of the marking on the side of the fuselage. You saw C- something something KH. You want to contact the owner to complain.

As the computer expert in your family, you go to the Internet to find more information on the aircraft and its owner.

CHALLENGE -- What information can you find on the Internet about the Canadian small aircraft with those markings? Hint: See if you can find the answer on the visible web. If you aren't successful, try adding the word "database" in your search.
(Answer to come later.)